Welcome to Dharma Curious, a space for me to explore my interests, such as philosophy, crafts, animals, writing projects, and journaling

If you'd like to learn a litle about me and this site, Click Here

If you're here for Agnes Crangley updates, you can find that under Writing Projects, and maybe a few discussion posts from school I felt like saving

For microfiction (stories less than ~100 words) there's a Gallery Just For That

If you're here for thoughts on religion, spirituality, nonduality, political theory or other similar topics, you can find that under Philosophy

If you're here to read my random jumbled thoughts, you're probably a weirdo, and you can direct yourself to the Journaling Section

If you're here for pictures and posts about adorable animals, you can find that under Pets

And if you'd like to help me be slightly better at various crafts, such as sewing, knitting, crochet, woodworking and the like, check out Crafts